Saturday, February 11, 2012

And of course..

My adapter for the micro SD card in my phone is missing and the bluetooth device for my PC also so I can't upload my birthday breakfast bonanza pictures....bumtastic! Oh well, I'll look for it and I'll just post a late entry for it. Sorry for the few people waiting to see them.


Eh... can't wait to upload the actual stuff we did. Meh.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Random Posting!!

The first post under "Random Posting!". Enjoy! ^^

1. My PSP (Gift from John for Christmas) :

* Per my brother's request, he wants to see it. :)

2. My 1st Birthday picture. hehe ^^

3. John's picture tonight. hihihi

Staircase number 24!

Oh wow, birthday time again.. seems pretty fast. I'm 24 now. How weird.. doesn't feel like it. Haha. Calendar wise, my birthday is tomorrow but in technically, it's today from the day I was born. Confusing isn't it? Anyway, I don't really have plans to do anything and besides, I work tomorrow. Stupid Twilight movie release. I hate that crap. Anyway, I hope it will be a good day anyway.

These are the times I really miss my friends and family.. I miss going to places that are nice and has stuff to do. Someday. Someday we will travel with our friends and family, I want to go to South Korea, Japan and England.. at least those are the 3 main ones. If I get to go anywhere else, that'll be just awesome. ^____^

It's my day off today and I did absolutely nothing. I slept till 10:30am and played Skyrim on Xbox360 until about 6:30pm. I still have this horrible cough. I hate that it keeps me awake for most of the night. I hope it goes away soon. I chatted with my best buddies tonight which is just great because it's been a while. I'll try to be more connected. I've just been lazy all the time.

Ahh.. I'll try to take pictures more often and posting them. Maybe tomorrow I'll upload my free birthday grandslam from Denny's. Hahaha! ^^