Tuesday, January 11, 2011

A New Year Again.

WOW! I just remembered that I have a blog. It's been quite a while since I last posted something here.. Well, we've just been working a lot Photobucket and not a lot of fun things to do. Work is okay but there's a lot of Photobucket going on there right now for me and that's not good. Hopefully it'll get better. 

John and I both worked on New Year's day so we didn't really do anything there. New Year's day is generally sad and boring in this town anyway so I guess working is not such a bad thing. It's just been very very cold inside and outside of the house.. Our heater's not the best.Photobucket

I miss the fun-filled places with colorful and loud fireworks. On New Year's eve, the houses would be filled with lots of good food and everyone's up and excited for midnight to come, lighting fireworks and making noises as we wait. *sigh*

Anyway, I've been sick for the last week and am just now getting much better. This place is turning me into a sickly person. I also feel a little dumber because of the people that I have to deal with around town. Photobucket We need to move to a different state asap. Seriously.

We have new family members named Nibbler and Nugget. They are our new gerbils that loves to sleep and eat. They're so cute! Photobucket

They're both males. We got Nugget two days after getting Nibbler although they are from the same litter so they get along pretty well. They like to huddle together in their newly made cave that they worked really hard on even if they have a pre-made ball-like bed just beside it.  Weirdos. But I guess it's warmer in there and now they have a garage. ^__^

They have a wheel in their house but they never use it, they both don't know how to use one I guess. We're all still getting to know each other and hopefully sometime soon, they'll trust us enough not to try and run away. I would really like them to be able to just sit on my shoulder or just stay with me comfortably like we're long time buddies. Photobucket

This is all for now, I'm feeling tired and sleepy already since it's midnight. 

Good night. Photobucket

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